Kick 2 by Evolv
Weight:0.050 Kgs
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- Output Power – 5 Watts to 15 Watts
- Output Voltage – 2 Volts to 6.3 Volts
- Output Current – 6 Amps
- Atty Resistance – 0.5 Ohms to 3.3 Ohms
DO NOT REMOVE THE CLEAR SHRINK-WRAP: It acts as a protective second layer of insulation against shorts.INSTALLING KICK MODULE: The Kick MUST be installed correctly. The bottom of the Kick must sit directly on the positive terminal of the battery (button end for button-top batteries). The top of the Kick (the end with the blue adjustment box) must be oriented towards the head of the device (never towards a device spring). The Kick is designed to be used in 18650 metal tube mods with an IMR 18490 or 18500 battery. Several device manufacturers are considering building extensions or longer tubes to permit the Kick to be used with the larger 18650 IMR batteries. The Kick may also be used with 18500 metal tube mods with an IMR 18350 battery.
GROUND SPRING: You will notice a small spring attached to the top (side edge) of the Kick. This has been carefully designed and is an ESSENTIAL component of the Kick for proper functioning. The spring MUST make contact with the grounded inner wall of the battery tube. If this spring does not make contact, the Kick will not function. SOME (few) DEVICES HAVE ANODIZED or POWDER COAT ON THE INSIDE OF THE BATTERY Compartment. This can interfere with the ground connection. These coatings must be removed at the point of contact with the ground spring.
NOTE: DEVICE TUBES VARY - The internal diameter is wider on some and narrower on others. Please do not use the Kick in tube mods with an internal diameter greater than 19.5mm.Setting your Power Level (watts setting): The adjustment potentiometer (blue box) is located on the top side of the Kick. In the center of the box is a white adjustment screw to be used for adjusting the Kick's power setting. The watts settings are marked ON THE CIRCUIT BOARD and can be seen around the pot/blue-box. NOTE: there are lines underneath each setting number, follow the lines to the corresponding watts setting. Turning the adjustment screw clockwise increases power and counter-clockwise decreases power. The settings range is from 5 watts to 15 watts. The Kick performs best with attys/cartos rated between 0.5 to 3.3 Ohms. You can use higher rated resistance but the Kick will not regulate well at the highest power levels if resistance is above 3.3 ohms. Unlike Variable voltage devices, the Kick does not need frequent adjustments.Once you find your preferred Power level, there is no need to constantly adjust it because the Kick will maintain that Power level even if you change attys/cartos and/or resistance.
You can use an under-load digital meter to see the volts as you change resistances and/or settings. AN ATOMIZER OR CARTOMIZER MUST BE ATTACHED TO THE METER OR YOU WILL NOT GET ANY READING.Low Battery Indicator: The Kick will detect, and stop functioning, when a battery charge level drops below 3.2 volts UNDER LOAD (with an atty/carto attached). This is a safety feature. The Kick will tell you this feature is activating when you experience STUTTER VAPE (vapor-no vapor alternating). If you continue to vape beyond this indicator, the Kick will stop functioning until a fresh battery charge is detected.
The Kick is designed to be used only as specified in these instructions. Using the Kick module in any configuration other than as outlined above will VOID THE WARRANTY and will be at your own risk. EVOLV cannot warranty, or be responsible for, any user modifications to the device and/or any application other than as specifically described in these user instructions.